Sir Iain Duncan Smith has called on the security authorities to name the alleged Chinese spy in parliament, saying it is a "matter of national security". He also says China is not "playing ball" by helping to stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine and nor is it helping to deal with climate change, so the idea that engagement with them is "critical" to those aims is a "nonsense". He calls on the government to "get our policy straight", saying that we can engage as Rishi Sunak wants, but on our terms. Such a policy "weakens the response of the security services," he says. Sir Iain notes that when Rishi Sunak ran for leader last summer, he labelled China a "systemic threat", but since then, the policy has been "watered down". Turning to the bigger issue of the UK's stance towards China, he says the government's foreign policy is "very much under serious question now". He says he himself did not know about this until yesterday when the Sunday Times broke the story. In reference to James Cleverly's recent visit to China, he says: "To what degree did the foreign secretary know about this arrest when he was going off to Beijing? Was he informed about this spying going on in parliament, and if so, why was this not raised at the time? Why were MPs not told about it?" Sir Iain Duncan Smith has told Sky News that Rishi Sunak's China strategy of engagement is very much in question after it was revealed that an alleged Chinese spy worked closely with senior Tories in parliament. Join us tomorrow from 6am for the very latest. And trade unions announced they will be reporting the government to the UN workers' rights watchdog over "undemocratic" strikes law.But he refused to comment on spending commitments to fix schools - and said Labour is "receptive" to the idea of giving more visas to Indian nationals in exchange for a trade deal.

Underneath the overcast skies, some sprinkles are possible near the Bay and Lake Michigan. While a sliver of sun is possible early today, you’ll see lots of clouds. Many of our highs will be about 10 degrees cooler than average for this time of year. Many of our afternoon high temperatures will be in the lower 60s, with some 50s across the Northwoods. A breezy north wind will not allow us to warm up much today. Now we have a taste of autumn in the air. Yesterday’s humidity and scattered thunderstorms are gone.